Over the past twenty years this schedule has become very prominent. The schedule allows for all the benefits of block scheduling without the built-in problems. Requiring no additional staff and saving money while providing more classes for students are strong reasons for leaving a traditional schedule and moving to a trimester format. Balancing students’ core classes over three terms allows for less stress on students. Staff members are given more preparation time with fewer students and classes to manage. With all the positives in the time structure, the real benefits are in the guidelines and policies that make the time structure work to its full advantage. Other major benefits are the curriculum alignment and the ability for students to take courses over in the same year. Traditional year long classes run 2 of the 3 terms. Only band, choir and AP classes are run all 3 terms.
Trimester schedules are a vehicle for the school improvement process. The schedule allows for more creativity, and flexibility. It is critical to manipulate the sequence of courses to prepare students better. Trimesters allows current school year remediation and multiple built-in RTI strategies. The polices and practices that surround the schedule help to provide real cultural changes in the school.
I am available as a consultant providing a calendar date can be arranged. My services can be provided through Zoom, email, or any other type of technology. I do this only to help other schools and just cover expenses. The call is more than worth your time. I have moved to MN as a school superintendent after being in Willits, CA for the last five years.
Listen to my podcasts on school policy. Search under school improvement or click on these links for Spotify or Apple .